I’m moving to substack

Alex Ewerlöf (moved to substack)
2 min readJul 15, 2022


I’ve been writing on Medium since 2015 and prior to that on Wordpress since 2012.

Medium has been a bumpy road. Initially I loved their vision for supporting writers and although everything I publish is completely free, I became a member to support the cause.

However, the story took a dark turn when Medium started promoting pay-walled content over the free ones. As a software engineer and open source contributor, I believe that knowledge should be free. But the stats for one of my most popular stories plummeted upon introducing the new algorithm. It went from thousands of daily views to merely few hundred.

I received the warning shot. So I started writing my own blogging platform from scratch but due to lack of time, I didn’t finish it yet. I decided that shouldn’t stop me from writing. So was on the look for an alternative and Substack seems to be a good option for now.

The timing is perfect. As Medium is getting a new CEO, I would like to try something new too.

My last post is live on Substack: https://alexewerlof.substack.com/p/when-companies-feel-stressed?sd=pf

See you on the other side! ♥️

